Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on March 8, 2012.

DRM is a state of mind

"The only copy protection I need is the fact that tomorrow's comic doesn't exist yet and my brain's the only place that bakes that cookie."

— Richard Stevens of dieselsweeties.

Really, I think that state of mind is all the copy protection any creator needs these days.

Awhile ago I was listening to a podcast interview with Patton Oswalt, and the discussion turned to other comedians who had stolen his jokes. He basically said he didn't care. Which is the same reaction that Louis CK had when people were stealing his jokes. Remember, Louis CK regularly nukes his entire repertoire and starts again from nothing.

Neither guy really cared, because the next morning they were gonna get up, put on the coffee pot, and sit down and write twenty more jokes, and maybe five of them would be any good, and maybe one would be gold but still not make the cut. But they'd likely be twenty jokes ahead of the Mr. Steals-His-Jokes of the world.

And just like you don't become a Patton Oswalt by sweating stolen jokes, you don't become a Richard Stevens by freaking out over who might be grubbing your online comic for free.