Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on March 20, 2008.


Remember how I bought a Peavey T-40 bass? There's a reason for that. I've joined a band, playing bass for Explone. We rehearse once a week or so, and we'll be recording (in a real studio!) in June.

I've been a big fan of Patrick's tunes for a few years, so I thought the gods were testing me when I saw his ad on Craigslist for a bassist. It's taken me a little while to get back on the horse after being a solo musician for so long, but I'm learning to re-socialize myself. It's also the height of awesome to rock out again with a group, work on my chops and engage in music scene gossip with real, live beer-drinking humans.

That's something I'm not getting from kicking it with FL Studio in the Folkhole. Anyway, I'll be posting about my New Adventures In Rawk as they happen, but you can check out some current Explone tunes here.