Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on December 31, 2008.

Worth Your Time In 2009

2008 is at an end. As always, thanks for reading and listening, and for your support both online and off. Man, this has been a nutty year of ups-and-downs for me. Some really cool stuff has happened. I put out a record, threw a CD release show which went over awesomely, started playing bass with a really cool band and managed to record a bunch of new tunes. I also made a bunch of new friends, reconnected with some old ones (no, not Great Old Ones, but thanks), taught myself a little Tuvan throat-singing and was promptly banned from doing it in the house. Overall, a good year personally and creatively.

This past August I made an effort to ease up on the incessant blogging here. I only post a few times a month now, and I try to limit it to when I have something new for you to listen to. Best idea EVER. I've weaned myself off the need to post something just to post something, and instead I've been focusing on writing and recording more songs -- which is the whole reason why I'm here, and hopefully why you're here, too.

As a result, I've released a ton of new music this year and plan to continue this through 2009. So if I go quiet for a few weeks, know that it's likely because I'm working on something new I hope you'll think is awesome and worth your time.

That's my only resolution and motto for the new year: Worth Your Time In 2009.

Ugh, I know. See you then?