Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on October 26, 2010.

Whatever Happened, instrumental version

Here's an no-vocals version of "Whatever Happened To You." It's amazing how much the instruments pop when I'm not braying all over the place.

[audio:lbotal-mp3-instr/Scott Andrew - Whatever Happened To You (instrumental).mp3|no_twitter=1|no_fb=1]

(You can find the full mix with vocals here.)

I mentioned earlier that I really liked the guitars in this mixdown, but now with vocals removed it occurs to me that the drum track is significantly better than what I usually come up with. I recently switched from FL Studio to Toontrack for drums, and the difference in quality is pretty amazing. (I still use FL Studio primarily for editing the MIDI drum track, though -- the pre-cooked Toontrack patterns are nice but just don't do it for me.) I'm not sure how they do their magic, but I like it.