Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on December 21, 2011.

Well guys, looks like we are awesome.


Drummer and good pal Josh Williams is moving to Boulder this week, thus leaving Explone to carry on without him. Patrick has written some words you should read about Josh over here -- they've been friends for longer than I've known either of them and have a lot of shared history. Josh and Pat were Explone for the debut Crooks album, which I first randomly discovered via MySpace and it was Josh's high-precision drum work that drew me to that record in the first place, long before I came aboard as bassist.

If you listened at all to Dreamers/Lovers or Crooks, you know that Josh isn't content to just hold down the pocket. While tracking the new Telescope and Satellite EP, Josh's criteria for what made a take worth keeping came down to what he thought would inspire kids to take up drums. I think that says plenty.

I'm sad to see Josh leave town, but also really happy for him and his wife Katherine, because awesome people deserve to have things like careers that pay bills. I'll miss his drumming, but I'll miss his jokes and stories even more. Treat them well, Colorado! Or else.

As to the fate of Explone? Read Patrick's post for those details. Safe travels, big guy.

Explone at AVAST! March 2011

Kyle and Josh get caught on tape

Explone at AVAST! March 2011

Explone rehearsal

Explone at AVAST! March 2011

"Well guys, looks like we are awesome." -- Josh Williams
