Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on August 8, 2008.

AskMeFi music linkdump

A number of music-related threads I have bookmarked over at Ask Metafilter. Some are a few years old but still informative:

Why is it so hard to get the B string in tune? I have this problem all the time.

Controlling your peaks. I always wondered why my mixes didn't distort at levels over 0db. Here's why.

How do home musicians keep organized/productive?

Help me let the muse in! Suggestions on coping with your inner critic.

Simple home studio. Suggestions for bare-bones home setups.

How to reduce/eliminate RF noise in my home studio? This question was mine. My studio is still noisy, but less so these days.

Feeding the starving artists - effective ways to monetarily support your favorite bands.

Come join the Youth and Beauty Brigade Tips on band promotion and booking. See also here and here.

Major laymen meet major label. Band gets approached by a major label, should they talk or walk?