Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on April 17, 2012.

In the works

in the works

A new Kin to Stars single. We recorded the base tracks way back in January, before the ice storm, but we're just now closing in on the final mixdown. I'm still very much enjoying working with Garageband and its constraints. I haven't found it lacking anything I could make do without anyway.

This track will also be the first to have a drum part that I played, not programmed. By "drums" I actually mean the DM6Kit I wrote about last year. It took an evening to come up with the part, another evening to rehearse and record. The final take that made it into the recording was the best take of at least ten or twelve with a few glitches fixed by hand. I was pretty tired at the end of that day. Still, it's way more fun to do drum parts that way.

I'm excited for this track to be finished so we can get it into your ears. Until then, if you haven't heard the first two Kin to Stars tracks we've released, you can find them here on Bandcamp.